Top 3 Tips for Relief from Arthritis Pain: No medication needed!

I’ve got a quick story for you, about a client who suffered from arthritis. She had been feeling achy, chronically stiff, and had pain in her joints that was starting to radiate through her limbs. Ouch. When she was diagnosed - she was shocked, thinking “I’m 23 years old - how is this even possible?” Well, with autoimmune arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), your immune system attacks the lining of your joints - at any age!
She looked for alternatives because she didn’t want to be on arthritis medication for the rest of her life. And I don’t blame her! Some of these intense anti-inflammatory medications used for osteoarthritis treatment and RA can be really hard on your vital organs -- even causing prolonged nausea, headaches, fatigue, and brain fog. Many RA medications also drastically reduce your immune system placing you at higher risk for infection, drug-related cancers, and in rare cases even death. No thanks!
The good news is that there is an alternative to medication! One important thing to note about joint pain is that typically the more you move, the better you will feel. I know, I know - it sounds counterintuitive. But, think of it like this. The motion involved in moving your joints actually creates lubrication between your joints, making it easier and much less painful to move. Remember, motion is lotion...for your joints!
This client worked through progressive yoga and physical therapy-based mobility exercises with me, and quickly experienced amazing results - as long as she keeps up with her mobility work she experiences no more chronic pain and has yet to go on arthritis medication! HUGE WIN!
Here were the three most important things I shared with her...which I will now share with you!
#1 If you have any form of arthritis, especially osteoarthritis, it is so important to stay mobile. Even the most gentle movements will go such a long way to increase your mobility and level of comfort. Yoga-based mobility is great for this, because you can work your whole body and isolate certain joints that need more TLC.
However, with Rheumatoid Arthritis, specifically during times of flare up, it is advised that you avoid intense stretching and exercising as this may be more detrimental to your joints and create more damage than good. It’s not to say don’t move at all, rather modify your intensity and be gentle on your body as you move through your day or attempt a light mobility practice during a flare up. Once it resolves, you can continue your regular strength and mobility practices.
#2 Practicing balance poses and core strengthening with mobility work or gentle yoga practice will improve your flexibility and balance. This will increase your long term strength and endurance, which will in turn support your joints and overall stability for a lifetime.
#3 One of the most common things I would see as a Physical Therapist Assistant were people who experienced gradual muscle deterioration, aka “sarcopenia” - because getting moving again with arthritis was causing them too much pain. So, in addition to rebuilding muscle strength and endurance, you also want to ensure that you keep up with your strength and mobility work! This requires just a few minutes of daily movement - if you don’t use it, you lose it! So be sure that you stay consistent! As I always say -- CONSISTENCY IS KEY!
Arthritic pain and stiffness can be present at any age, whether it is simple osteoarthritis from “wear and tear” and the aging process, or Rheumatoid arthritis which is a systemic inflammatory disease process that attacks your joints.
Your body is unique and so will be your journey if you have arthritis. Not every person requires medication, though some may eventually or intermittently from time to time. However, EVERY BODY can benefit from healthy mobility practices, yoga, whole-body strengthening, and balance training to protect their joints.
With arthritis, you do want to make sure you work progressively - start simple and gentle and go from there. Need some help with this? Not sure where to start? Check out Chair Yoga for Joint Healing, which is the perfect “done-for-you” place to start!
✔︎ You want to heal and prevent painful, stiff joints from limiting your mobility!
✔︎ You crave an easy, effective, gentle yoga practice from the comfort of your own home!
✔︎ You desire a safer yoga practice to improve your mobility and achieve comfortable movement!
✔︎ You want to optimize your joint health and prevent pain + stiffness before it even begins — the best rehab is prehab!
✔︎ You would like to avoid expensive trips to the Doctor, Physical Therapist, or Chiropractor!
✔︎ You need an easy-to-understand instructor and a clear “done-for-you” approach to resolving your joint pain and stiffness!
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