6 Tips To Naturally Rebalance Your Chakras To Relieve Neck + Shoulder Pain
Mar 08, 2022
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The heart chakra (Anahata) is the area of energy in your body that is related to love, care, and compassion - both for yourself and others. The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is the area of energy in your body related to feeling heard, communicating with others, and honestly vocalizing your needs....
The 5 Best Ways to Prevent Knee Pain
Mar 03, 2022
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What is one of the most used - and overused - parts of the body?
If you guessed your knees, you are correct! Because this system of muscles, joints, and ligaments get used all the time for almost every movement you can think of, it is at an increased risk for injury, stiffness, and chronic...